
Compact Power: Sony Alpha 1


After the first housings have already reached their lucky owners last summer, we are happy to show you another look at Sony’s latest flagship in com­bi­na­ti­on with SEACAM silver – the perfect com­ple­ment to Sony’s latest milestone with 50 mega­pi­xels, 8K reso­lu­ti­on and an unbe­lie­va­ble 30 frames per second.


With its extremely compact size, the housing is ideally suited to the powerful camera, making it the perfect tool for high per­for­mance and pro­fes­sio­nal photo and video quality under water.


See the Alpha 1 housing in detail




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Space saver: SEACAM View­fin­der plug

This new transparent viewfinder plug is perfect as a second option to your standard viewfinder. Designed to be used on all current SEACAM housings, it will ensure an easy and accessible view onto the camera display of your Canon, Nikon, Sony or Leica camera.

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