Capture the moment

A second
in time.

Don Silcock almost always sees the under­wa­ter world through the view­fin­der of his camera. Technical by nature, he quan­ti­fies diving into four cate­go­ries – big animals, tropical water, temperate water and technical diving. He loves them all and travels exten­si­ve­ly to try and capture the essence of each one. But his first love is big animals and over the last 10 years he has expe­ri­en­ced almost all the special aggre­ga­ti­ons where those creatures gather. From the sperm whales of Dominica to the sharks of Fakarava, Don has been there with his camera and in his element.

Capture the moment


Don enjoys the beautiful unpre­dic­ta­bi­li­ty of encoun­ters under water: They can be brief and fleeting or extended and repeated – it all depends on the creature and how the under­wa­ter pho­to­grapher behaves. The pho­to­grapher must be ready for the moment when the creature’s curiosity overcomes its natural caution. Often that may be just once and there is no second chance. “It does not matter how far you have travelled or how chal­len­ging the situation is – you just treasure the moment for what it is.”

Each item of SEACAM equipment is excel­lent­ly designed, superbly crafted and works perfectly every time it is used. Simply the best I have ever used!

Don Silcock 
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Ori­gi­nal­ly from the north-west of England, near Liverpool, Don is now an Aus­tra­li­an citizen but is based from Bali in Indonesia. While his first passion is pho­to­gra­phing big animals, Don has dived all the main locations in Indonesia, Papua New Guinea and the Solomon Islands many times. Plus, he really enjoys the temperate water diving of South Australia and Tasmania. He’s also keenly inte­res­ted in technical diving so that he can safely pho­to­graph the deep-water wrecks of Truk Lagoon and Bikini Atoll in the near future. A regular con­tri­bu­tor to various magazines, Don has written almost 150 articles based on his extensive travels and experiences.

Go to Don’s Website