face to face

Wreck pho­to­gra­phy
as a passion.

His under­wa­ter pictures of sunken luxury liners have become iconic. In the deepest regions of the ocean, far beyond the 100-meter mark, he creates artistic interplay of light and shadow. The perfect symbiosis of technical expertise and artistic vision makes his work unique. Whether in the icy depths of the Atlantic or in the dark corridors of sub­ter­ra­ne­an caves, Steffen Scholz is a master of staging bygone worlds.

Into the deeo

Tech meets

By delving into the depths, Steffen Scholz aims to visually narrate the stories of ship­w­recks that remain hidden from most. His pho­to­graphs bring to light the fasci­na­ting, often tragic histories of these under­wa­ter relics. Beyond capturing stunning images, he is pas­sio­na­te about pre­ser­ving these fragile under­wa­ter eco­sys­tems and mentors young technical divers in the art of wreck photography.

“SEACAM housings are hand­craf­ted to per­fec­tion, operating flaw­less­ly at depths beyond 160 meters. Cus­to­miza­ti­on options are virtually limitless.”

Steffen Scholz 
More about

Dr. Steffen
G. Scholz.

Steffen Scholz was born in Germany in 1970. The PhD in mecha­ni­cal engi­nee­ring has been diving since 1976 and developed a passion for wreck diving early on. For many years, he has been a sought-after inter­na­tio­nal speaker, regularly cap­ti­vat­ing audiences with images from various projects. His com­mit­ment to the oceans and their treasures extends far beyond his pho­to­gra­phic work, and with his images, Steffen Scholz creates awareness of the fragility of the under­wa­ter world.

Visit Steffen on Facebook or on Instagram.